Judith Willkomm is a postdoc at the Department of Literature, Art and Media Studies at Konstanz University. Until April 2020, she worked at the collaborative research centre Media of Cooperation, and was a member of the graduate school “Locating Media” at Siegen University. In 2018 she completed her PhD thesis: “Knowledge Practices Beyond the Laboratory: An (Ethnographic) Field Study of (Bioaccoustic) Field Studies” in Siegen. In her research she combines ethnographic methods and media theoretical perspectives with a focus on the interplay between technical media and human perception. This enables her to investigate the epistemic modes of mediatised senses of ornithologists doing fieldwork, professional football referees or dis/abled young people. Recent publications include Tiere – Medien – Sinne. Eine Ethnographie bioakustischer Feldforschung (forthcoming, J.B. Metzler) and skilled listening. Zur Bedeutung von Hörpraktiken in naturwissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisprozessen, in: Anna Symanczyk et al. (eds.), Klang-Kontakte: Kommunikation, Konstruktion und Kultur von Klängen (Reimer 2016).